Luke Maciak
0.8.0 was created by Luke Maciak
Sunday Dec 26
milestone -
Run As Issuewas updated by Luke MaciakMonday Nov 22
ticket -
DrWeb CureIt Button links to an outdated versionwas updated by Luke Maciak 05:42 PM ticket -
DrWeb CureIt Button links to an outda... was created by Luke Maciak 05:41 PM ticket
Mail Settings button does not work in 64 bit Vista/Win7was updated by Luke MaciakTuesday Nov 16
ticket -
Office Program Folder points to the wrong directory on 64 bit systemswas updated by Luke Maciak 11:29 PM ticket -
Program Files (x86) button missingwas updated by Luke Maciak 11:28 PM ticket -
Program Files (x86) button missing was created by Luke Maciak 10:17 PM ticket
Office Program Folder points to the w... was created by Luke Maciak 10:16 PM ticket
Mail Settings button does not work in... was created by Luke Maciak 10:15 PM ticket