Luke Maciak
Added an Email Backup button.
[#43 s...
was committed by maciakl
Friday Mar 23
changeset -
Create buttons to backup Outlook email and auto-fill fileswas updated by Luke Maciak 11:32 AM ticket - Create buttons to backup Outlook email and auto-fill files was updated by Luke Maciak 10:58 AM ticket
- Incremented version number https://b... was committed by maciakl 10:22 AM changeset
- Removed Kaspersky Online button, adde... was committed by maciakl 10:22 AM changeset
Remove kasperksy online scanner linkwas updated by Luke Maciak 10:22 AM ticket -
MSE Download Linkwas updated by Luke Maciak 10:22 AM ticket - Added a TeamViewer button. [#130 sta... was committed by maciakl 10:22 AM changeset
TeamViewer Buttonwas updated by Luke Maciak 10:22 AM ticket - Add BootVis was created by Luke Maciak 10:18 AM ticket